I have started this website so I can write about my passion but why should you Read? Blogs are websites or web pages which contain written content about a topic. 3 purposes of a blog may be to
- Inform readers about a topic
- Build a community/brand
- Express opinions about a certain interest
If you’re interested in jewellery then you’re in the right place. From Trends to recommendations and advice I am going to try to publish as many of my finding on here.
Why? Because I am an aspiring Jeweller wanting to study more about Jewellery. Owning a Blog will push me to consistently study about Jewellery topics and publish them for myself and others to read. Watching a video could be entertaining but Reading is a healthier way of consuming content which requires prolonged and engaged attention. My goal for this blog is to offer you frequent informative content which I will construct in a fashion to focus on efficiently delivering key points surrounding a topic leaving out all the irrelevant information which you have to search through when researching a topic. As well as updating my blog I have other plans for this website some involving jewellery and some not. But to conclude this short post I want to thank anyone who enjoys my content or interacts with it. I hope you gain some sort of value from engaging with my content whether it answers your question, inspires you or helps you make a purchase. If you want to contact me for any reason email me at [email protected] .